Bedtime Procrastination: This is why you put off sleeping

Bedtime procrastination
That’s why you put off sleeping

After a long and tiring day, we all long for relaxation, but we’ll tell you in the video why we sometimes put off going to bed.

Are you actually tired and would like to sleep, but you just can’t tear yourself away from your smartphone? We’ll tell you whether you could be suffering from bedtime procrastination and what’s behind it.

Heavy eyelids and the feeling of total exhaustion – instead of disappearing into the world of dreams and getting the well-deserved rest, we are glued to our cell phones and scrolling through social media. This phenomenon is called “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination,” although the term originally comes from China.

Tired but no sleep in sight?

Cell phone, tablet or TV – we may occasionally notice that we find it difficult to tear ourselves away from digital media in the evening. In the video we tell you how you can outsmart the “not wanting to go to bed” and why we occasionally postpone our sleep.

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