Better than high-end! 3 mascara favorites from our beauty editor

Better than high-end mascaras
Beauty editor reveals her 3 mascara favorites

Beauty editor Melanie loves testing cosmetics. She prefers to buy mascaras at the drugstore.

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BRIGITTE beauty editor and make-up artist Melanie has not only tested countless mascaras on herself, but also on her models’ eyelashes. So that you don’t feel any regrets after the drugstore, she recommends these 3 products.

My parents and friends call me crazy because I test about 20 new cosmetic products every month, including at least one mascara. This title is probably what is called an occupational risk. But that’s not what it’s supposed to be about today! Because of my love for excessive product testing – due to my job as a beauty editor – I the best three mascaras from the drugstore found.

Better than high-end mascaras: Beauty editor Melanie recommends these 3 mascaras from the drugstore

Every testoholic is also a shopoholic somewhere. And as a self-confessed member of this group, I know the feeling Regret after shopping at the drugstore to feel. A product laughs at me, the advertising promises do the rest and hey presto, the debit card is in a place where it should be much rarer. The high of the purchase and the anticipation of trying it out prevails until the disillusionment comes at the cosmetics table: it doesn’t work. Since cosmetics is an emotional topic for me, the moment comes when I would really like to throw the product against a wall. Yes, bad purchases really annoy me! As a beauty editor, I feel it’s my rightful responsibility to save you from drugstore regrets. My suggestion: I’ll show you mine three Mascara-Favoritesfor which I would put my cosmetics cabinet (if there was only one) in the fire.

Let’s start with the texture of mine eyelashes, so you can assess whether we want the same thing:

This is my eye, by the way. I have more tips below on how to make your eyelashes look thicker in addition to mascara – I used them here.

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Without hesitation I can say that I am at I am very picky about cosmetics of all kinds. So it’s almost uncomfortably demanding. If just one thing doesn’t work, I’ll never use the product again – I don’t know anything about that! Mine expectations I have listed a mascara for you again here:

In general, I prefer to use mascaras not waterproof are because I can remove them more quickly. Also, I personally carry maximum two layers on. The second, when the first layer is about 80 percent dry.

1. The L’Oréal Paris false Lash Telescopic Gold Mascara

Let’s start with the most expensive mascara in the series. This is what I particularly like here narrow, flexible brushes with which you can easily get the inner and outer eyelashes. She separates the eyelashes very beautiful and even with the first stroke you have the feeling that it is really grabbing your eyelashes. This contains microfibers that really hold the hairs visibly lengthen. A very big plus: it doesn’t smudge on my oily eyelids. It holds the momentum well, but that could be even better.

2. elf Cosmetics Lash ‘N Roll Mascara

No, eleven is not available at Rossmann or DM, but I still consider this mascara to be a drugstore mascara because it is very affordable. In contrast to This is the L’Oréal product Rounded brush, which I like very much. This shape makes it even easier to get to all of the lashes. It is also delicate, making it ideal for small eyes and droopy eyelids. My highlight here: the momentum! The wording here is real lightwhereby the Momentum is maintained throughout the day. This is also super black and doesn’t smudge.

3. Catrice Lift Up Mascara

The name clearly says it all here! The Catrice mascara gives your eyelashes a shine when you apply these three most momentum and holds it too. The brush is here biggest, which I don’t really like – but it doesn’t bother me either. What is noteworthy is that the eyelashes are very beautifully, naturally fanned out. All of this in combination with the deep black color and good durability is a highlight in the drugstore.

There’s more to it than just mascara

By far the best eyelash curler for me is this Zoeva Ooh La Lash Curler. And because it’s not just important what you use, but also how, I’m now giving you the ultimate guide to curling eyelashes.

  1. Mirror below your face Align so that you are looking down. Because that way you have enough space to bend.
  2. Now use the eyelash curler before applying mascara base of your eyelashes Align and press for two seconds. But that wasn’t it!
  3. Now walk a bit further up towards the tips of the eyelashes. Now press it again briefly and continue hiking again. Repeat this until you get to the ends of your hair – always squeezing along the lashes very often.
  4. Once you’ve reached the top, it’s fine all the way back. Now squeeze – move down – squeeze and so on.
  5. Wow! Now you have the ultimate momentum, right? Now immediately with mascara Before you move on to the next eye.

Bending is one thing – but this is always neglected Tightlining. That means you have one black or brown eyeliner on the upper waterline assigned. Admittedly, this can be a bit uncomfortable on the eyes. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. Take your time and fill it with the eyeliner all areas of skin between your eyelashes out of. A narrow eyeliner visually thickens your eyelashes.


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