Bezos versus Bankman-Fried: True entrepreneurs are altruists

It is not only when a Jeff Bezos donates his fortune that he becomes a moral person. Rather, he has created enormous benefits with Amazon for consumers, employees and shareholders. This is “effective altruism” that moves the world forward.

Jeff Bezos attending a National Football League (NFL) game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Los Angeles Chargers on September 15, 2022.

Jay Biggerstaff / Imago

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has been repeatedly criticized for not long joining the initiative of investor Warren Buffett and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. With their “The Giving Pledge”, the two are almost putting pressure on billionaires. Over 230 of them have pledged to give away most of their wealth. In the USA in particular, openly flaunting philanthropy is considered good manners, while in Switzerland discretion is more important.

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