Bird count – the great tit is the most frequent guest at the bird feeder

“Wild birds at the feeding place” – under this title, Fressnapf and the Austrian Nature Conservation Association called on everyone to count and write down all the guests at their bird feeders. Up to 15 different species could be counted per section.

In December, all nature lovers were called upon to take part in a bird count. The Austrian Nature Conservation Association and Fressnapf Austria wanted to determine which bird species can be found in Austria in winter. You could register on the platform and then enter your observations. The results impressively show how great the species richness of winter birds is. Up to 100 different species have been reported on the platform. By the way, the most frequent guests at the feeding places in Carinthia were the great tits. Blackbirds, blue tits and robins as well as the chaffinch were also often seen. Hour of the Winter Birds The “Hour of the Winter Birds” from Birdlife Austria is still in progress. From January 5th to 7th, the initiative called for people to count winter birds in parks, on walks or in their own gardens for an hour. Submissions will be accepted until January 15th.
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