Blender Benko – How the financial juggler caught billionaires

Staging as hard workers
This is also because Benko managed to keep his high-profile investors such as Klaus Michael Kühne, who is considered the richest German with a private fortune of around 40 billion euros, Fressnapf founder Torsten Toeller or Robert Peugeot in one-on-one conversations, until shortly before his downfall with the shiny Signa numbers on his papers. “The men kept quiet because they knew each other. When he joined Benko, logistics billionaire Kühne, for example, let him sleep peacefully because auto dynast Peugeot had recently invested. When Toeller wants to get out in annoyance, Kühne’s entry stops him,” says the “Spiegel”. Benko presented himself to his investors “as a hard worker who sits at his desk from four or five in the morning and sends emails and text messages late into the night, often on weekends while on vacation.”

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