Blob, NFT, wokism … These words that marked the year 2021 beyond the Covid


It is neither vegetable, animal, nor fungus, it is alive, mobile and even gluttonous when offered oatmeal. It’s a blob. Devoid of a brain and nervous system, this one-celled organism is fascinating. He was discovered learning faculties that cannot be explained. 2021 is the year of the great leap forward for the notoriety of Physarum polycephalum, its learned name. Thomas Pesquet took four of them during his stay in the ISS, just to see if the weightlessness did not make them dizzy.

On the same subject

How about giving a blob for Christmas?

At Christmas and for around thirty euros, you can treat yourself to a blob. A curiosity of nature whose behavior intrigues everyone, from the youngest to the oldest


In 2020, Vanessa Springora released

In 2020, Vanessa Springora released “Le Consentement”.

Martin Bureau / AFP

He made his debut in 2020, giving his title to the book testimony of Vanessa Springora, in which she tells how a teenager she had fallen under the influence of Gabriel Matzneff …

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