Boost fat burning: 7 effective tips


On the way to your Wohlfühlgewicht you still miss a few kilos? Sometimes it is not so easy to get rid of excess fat quickly and easily. First Rule: Do not be mad, please! And then go easy on the whole thing. If you notice a few basic things in everyday life, you should soon get a little closer to your personal dream body. We’ll give you 7 effective tips to boost fat burning.

# 1 No Radical Diets

You want to lose as much as possible in a short time? Then the most important rule was: no radical diets. Instead of losing kilos, you do exactly the opposite with starvation. If your body is exposed to a strong calorie deficit for several days, it will reduce calorie consumption to a minimum. The next time you eat normally again, these meals will double, because the body now uses less energy – the well-known yo-yo effect. So if you want to lose weight permanently, you need to actually reduce your calories, but just slowly.

# 2 Boost fat burning through protein

Rather, you should make sure to feed you rich in protein. The proteins keep the blood sugar level stable, for example. This prevents food cravings and lasts longer. The fact that about one third of the calories in protein are burned directly back from the body, it also brings the metabolism in the momentum. Of course, if you’re doing sports, protein also helps a lot in building muscle.

# 3 Do without carbohydrates in the evening

In addition, you should be careful to reduce your carbohydrate intake. Do you take fewer carbs to you, your body goes to the fat reserves and your fat burning is boosted. By the way, this effect is intensified if you do away with carbohydrates from time to time. If you go to work after work and then have a low carbohydrate but protein-rich dinner, you can score double.

# 4 Take healthy fats

Just because you want to boost your fat burning does not mean that you should completely abstain from using it in your diet. Rather, you should make an overview of good and not good fats. The good fats mainly include monounsaturated fatty acids (found in foods such as avocado, olive oil and peanuts) and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The latter include, for example, omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9 fatty acids.

# 5 Put on combination training

Neither endurance nor weight training alone is the key to boosting your fat burning. Rather, you should combine the two training variants specifically. Particularly popular among the endurance units: Interval training. Here you not only burn a lot of calories during the sport, but also the afterburning effect beats. On the other hand, weight training is also important when it comes to boosting fat burning. More muscle mass eventually causes the daily calorie requirement to increase, which allows us to eat more (healthy!).

# 6 acceleration through fat burner

In addition to sports and a fundamentally healthy diet, there are also a few little things that accelerate the burning of fat again. Drink enough water every day, so the metabolism gets really going. By the way, you can help a little bit more with green tea. The polyphenol EGCG contained in it ensures that less fat is absorbed through the intestine. In the same way, caffeine can cause coffee to increase the heat production of the body and degrade fats faster. However, the coffee should be black and not overdone.