Boosters against Omikron – Berger: “We cannot keep the wave in check with vaccinations alone” – News

Christoph Berger, President of the Federal Commission for Vaccination Questions Ekif, explains in an interview with SRF that the waiting period between the second and third vaccination will definitely be shortened in the next few days from six to four months, as the Federal Council had already announced on Friday. And: The recommendation will contain a prioritization. Nevertheless, according to the Ekif boss, the Omikron wave will hit Switzerland with force.

Christoph Berger

Pediatrician and Infectiologist

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Prof. Christoph Berger is a pediatrician and infectiologist at the University Hospital Zurich. He is also President of the Federal Vaccination Commission.

SRF News: When will the Federal Commission for Vaccination Issues make which recommendation?

Christoph Berger: This recommendation will come in the next few days. The point is to shorten the minimum interval for the booster vaccination from six to four months. The recommendation will be for everyone aged 16 and over who can be boosted.

The number of appointments for booster vaccinations will be massively increased.

The most important thing, however, is that the over 65-year-olds boost themselves, because this group is most at risk – the recommendation will accordingly contain this prioritization.

The demand for the booster vaccination will be enormous due to the new recommendation. Can anyone who wants to get vaccinated within the next few weeks?

The number of appointments for booster vaccinations will be massively increased. However, it will not be possible to vaccinate everyone on the same day. So it certainly takes patience.

Vaccination alone is not enough to keep this impending wave at bay.

Is the booster offensive enough to keep the new virus variant Omikron in check?

We have very high vaccination capacities, we have enough vaccine. But I can tell you that vaccination alone will not keep this impending wave at bay. That takes a lot more, including the familiar and uncomfortable rules: Keep your distance, home office, 2G, 2G Plus. We hope that’s enough.

Do you think that Omikron will hit Switzerland with full force?

That is almost unavoidable.

For a long time they stuck to the six-month deadline for a booster vaccination. Now it is being shortened. Isn’t this step too late?

It is very difficult to say which wave is coming how fast and with which variant.

In retrospect, we made the right decision that those over 65 should receive a booster vaccination first.

In retrospect, we made the right decision that those over 65 should receive a booster vaccination first. From today’s perspective, the booster vaccination for those over 65 is more important than for those under 65, because those over 65 are more at risk of becoming seriously ill. The under 65-year-olds are still not today.

So you did everything right?

In retrospect, without the omicron, you could have boosted a little faster. But basically the steps and the pace were correct. And: Basically we have now reached the peak of this current wave, the numbers are stabilizing.

The interview was conducted by Christof Schneider.

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