Bordeaux Métropole: the rental permit is now compulsory in ten municipalities

By Jean-Michel Le Blanc – [email protected]

Since January 1, 2022, it is mandatory to have a permit to rent out a main residence in Ambarès-et-Lagrave, Bordeaux, Eysines, Floirac, Gradignan, Le Haillan, Lormont, Mérignac, Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand and Saint-Médard-en-Jalles

En March 2021, the elected officials of Bordeaux Métropole voted for a series of measures to fight against unsanitary housing. Among them, we find the “rental permit” which came into effect on 1er January 2022 in the municipalities of Ambarès-et-Lagrave, Bordeaux, Eysines, Floirac, Gradignan, Le Haillan, Lormont, Mérignac, Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand and Saint-Médard-en-Jalles. Administratively entitled “prior rental authorization”, this permit can be obtained from Bordeaux Métropole in a dematerialized manner via a Cerfaauquel form …

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