Bottle trick: This is how you keep your apartment cool in summer

Brilliant bottle trick
This is how you cool your apartment in hot temperatures

This simple household trick provides relief in hot temperatures.

Is it unbearably hot in your room again? With this trick you can easily cool down interiors a few degrees without any effort.

Summer is finally here and gives us many unforgettable moments. Most spend significantly more time outside, go to the outdoor pool with friends, relax in the sun, on the balcony or in the garden – and really enjoy themselves. Unfortunately, despite all the positive qualities of summer, we also have to deal with its downside.

Bottle trick: This is how you cool down interiors easily

Because as soon as the display on the thermometer has picked up speed and the temperatures are constantly climbing, it can also get pretty hot indoors. And who wants sleepless nights and sweaty sheets? So that you don’t have to sweat every day in your own four walls, we’ll tell you an ingenious cooling trick. In the video you can see how you can easily cool down your room with two plastic bottles.

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