Brazil’s Senate considers UFOs



Following the United States, the Brazilian Senate organized a hearing on June 24 devoted to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).

In Brazil too, UFOs are becoming a political subject. On June 24, the Senate heard several researchers, political and military officials on the issue of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and its interactions with the Brazilian army, reports The Debrief.

This hearing follows an official request from the Senate issued last April in which there was an example of an extract from an article from 1954. Air Force Captain João Adil de Oliveira attested to “the reality of these flying objects and their technological advance.”

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Among the speakers heard on June 24, the former deputy Wilson Picler, underlined by way of preamble that according to a survey nearly 60 million Brazilians “are convinced that intelligent life exists elsewhere than on Earth”. “It would be pretentious on our part to believe that we know everything about the universe,” he commented.

He was succeeded by AJ Gevaerd, considered the best UFO specialist in Brazil. The independent researcher mentioned several famous cases such as this incredible case of May 19, 1986 where 21 large flying objects were observed over São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Goiás.

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The size of some of these objects has been estimated at more than 100 meters and they have been detected by the radars of the Brazilian Air Force as well as by civilian air traffic controllers. Several fighter jets were deployed to intercept the objects. Without success.

As for the engineer Rony Vernet, he evoked one of the craziest stories of Brazilian ufology, an episode worthy of a science fiction film where rumors and established facts mingle: Operation Prado in 1977. This is a real military operation carried out following testimonies reporting UFO attacks on the coastal town of Colares, in the northeast of Brazil. Residents claimed that the objects fired beams of light causing wounds similar to the marks left by sucking leeches. They had nicknamed these mysterious assailants Chupa Chupa, a familiar name for leeches. More than 400 people were victims of these attacks to the point that the mayor decided to call in the army.

An article from the local press with testimonies from inhabitants of Colares claiming to be victims of UFO attacks.

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The operation, which lasted four months, was led by Captain Uyrange. Calm eventually returned without anyone knowing if the presence of the army had something to do with it. 20 years after these events, Captain Uyrange granted an interview to ufologists Ademar José Gevaerd and Marco Antonio Petit, assuring that he himself had made several UFO observations during this period. Many photos and films would have been taken during Operation Prado which gave rise to a 2000 page report. A part has been declassified. As for Captain Uyrange, he allegedly committed suicide three months after this interview.

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