Call of Duty cheats will always be displayed more

Activision, which has been battling Call of Duty cheats since the dawn of time, has found a new way to display them. The community is already applauding.

Cheating is a real problem in competitive online games. And, despite the great means deployed by publishers to clean their servers as much as possible, some bad guys continue to crack down by looking for new ways to take unfair advantage over others. That’s why Activision has been engaged in a struggle for a very long time, which allows games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II And Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 to innovate. A new initiative has been formalized August 2, 2023.

Ricochet integrates the chat. From season 5, the killfeed [indiquant qui tue qui en temps réel] will notify the lobby when the Ricochet system has removed a problematic player from the game “, can we read on the social network Twitter (or X). Concretely, this means that there will be an alert in game each time a cheater is invited to look elsewhere. A good way to display it for all to see.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. // Source: Activision

Cheats are going to be displayed in Call of Duty

This new initiative concerns both Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II that Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0, moved to season 5 since August 2. It is obviously applauded by the millions of fans of the saga who want to play in a healthy environment free from individuals with behavior likely to turn the games into a nightmare.

The ModernWarzone Twitter account simply responded with the letter “W”, symbolizing victory (“win” in English). Others still point the finger at a major problem that can arise: the shadowban. “ It sucks! People continue to abuse the reporting system. People get shadowbanned when they play fair! “, deplores for example OG Vanquish. In short, everything is still far from settled and some are being unfairly banned.

It is recalled that Activision is ready to do anything to prevent cheating from rife in Call of Duty. The multinational has gone so far as to develop very intrusive surveillance software. Other measures have been much more atypical: increased resistance for players who do not cheat, unceremonious disappearance, disarmament, creation of games where the rascals only find themselves among themselves… In recent years, Activision has really competed for ingenuity.

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