“Camping Paradis”: who is this famous host who joins the TF1 series? : Current Woman The MAG

A barrier has fallen over the past ten years: that of seeing animators playing the comedy. By Jean-Luc Reichmann, performer of Leo Mattei, to Laurence Boccolini, benevolent teacher in Miss Joubert, more and more of them are to leave their usual costumes to put on others in series. With more or less talent elsewhere … But a fiction particularly attracts these apprentice actors because of its success, its jovial atmosphere but also the sunny shooting conditions. Camping Paradise, whose episodes are recorded on the side of Martigues, regularly makes call for luxury guests to play spoilers. This was the case with Sandrine Quétier or even Patrick Sebastien, the former acrobat of France 2 making sardines dance … from his tent in a number not yet released.

Of Bigdil at Camping Paradise

And, TV-Leisure tells us in its edition of Monday March 29, 2021 that Vincent Lagaf will also invite himself to the Camping Paradise, the time of an episode entitled A circus in paradise. The appointment was given at the beginning of the week for the former presenter of TF1, well known for having been in command of the Bigdil, of Gold on the appl or even Right price. He will give the reply to the master of the place, the indestructible Laurent Ournac, in the role of a circus director struggling with a stubborn teenager. Not really a composition role for this real clown who took advantage of his broadcasts to ensure the show. In any case, the level of recruitment has risen a notch on the Blue Coast since besides Vincent Lagaf, three actors from More beautiful life, Marwan Berreni (Abdel), Léa Kerel (Thérèse) and Sophie de la Rochefoucauld (Caroline Evenot), will come and make their contribution. It just goes to show that the big television family has decided to spend their confinement at the Paradis campsite.

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