Cannes: a restaurateur stabbed by a customer because his pizza was not ready on time: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Incomprehensible violence. On October 28, 2023, the streets of Cannes witnessed a very shocking scene: around 8 p.m., the local police emergency services were alerted of an attack in a pizzeria in the city. According to information reported by RTLa 36-year-old restaurateur was attacked in his own establishment by a customer. The reason ? His pizza, which he had ordered by telephone and which he had come to collect, was not yet ready. The customer, visibly beside himself, grabbed a pike usually used to hold receipts. He used her as a weapon to stab the restaurant owner in the heart Many times. The 36-year-old pizza maker, seriously injured, suffered from pneumothorax. When the police arrived, the victim was in a state of absolute emergency and had to be treated very quickly. His vital prognosis remained engaged until Sunday October 29 in the morning, when the restaurateur was finally out of the woods. He still received 15 days of total work interruption (ITT).

An attacker already known to the police

After his outburst of rage against the pizza maker, the attacker, a 41-year-old man, attempted to flee the scene on foot. However, he changed his mind and eventually turned himself in to the police on Monday October 30. According to information from the Grasse public prosecutor’s office, questioned by RTLthe attacker was taken into custody and referred the same day, for an appearance at the Grasse court. The charges against him are “acts of violence with the use of a weapon followed by incapacity for more than 8 days as a legal repeat offense”. Indeed, the man already had a long criminal record. He had been on parole since September 26, 2023 and had already been convicted six times. His psychiatric expertise did not shed light “no alteration or abolition of his discernment at the time of the facts”he is therefore criminally responsible.

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