Capucine Anav “to have a child’s body”, she gives herself over to this complex which ruins her life

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Capucine Anav, reveals on Instagram to be complexed by her “child’s body”, despite a family summer vacation, less than a year after the birth of her first child.

Appearance pressures affect many women regardless of body type. Capucine Anav, in a sincere message on Instagram during her family vacation, reveals her feelings after the birth of her little Lola. Under her Fendi bikini, she reveals to be thinner than before the pregnancy, but expresses his discomfort with his “child’s body” at 32.

The columnist knows that some might downplay her complex, thinking she’s lucky, but she says accepting such a body is difficult for a woman. In a therapeutic approach, she chooses to reveal more of her body to better accept it. This courageous testimony by Capucine Anav highlights the inner struggle that many women experience when faced with their complexes.

Capucine Anav: between baby blues and questioning

A large number of women (50-80%) are affected by baby blues after childbirth. Capucine Anav recently shared her experience in a podcast, talking about the difficult times and her fears about this postpartum period. She said she had troubling thoughts and felt the need to call her mother for help. The baby blues is a common reality among young mothers, and it is essential to break the taboo and support those who experience it.

As a reminder, Meetic published a study in 2016 revealing that 67% of women suffer from complexes related to certain parts of their body.

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