Cases of disappearances: “Every year, we bury 1,000 people under X” without DNA analysis, the alarming observation of this criminologist: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Delphine Jubillar, Estelle Mouzin, Mathis Jouanneau, Marion Wagon, or more recently Emile and Lina… Some disappearances are the subject of extraordinary media exposure. Why these specific cases rather than others? Here is all the question. Because according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior, these are approximately 74,000 people disappear each year in France, including more than 50,000 minors. While most are found more or less quickly, nearly 1,000 cases remain unsolved every year. Some will even become cold cases, i.e. cases that remain unresolved for very long periods, sometimes decades. But how is it still possible, with all the technologies around us and available to investigators, to disappear without a trace? This is the question that Laurence Ferrari asked his guest in the show Punchlineco-broadcast on Europe 1 and on CNewsThursday October 5, 2023.

There is no file containing these anonymous deaths.

Alain Bauer, professor of criminology and author of numerous works on the subject, made an alarming observation. Because in addition to missing people who remain unfound each year, there are the opposite cases: these bodies found, but which remain unidentified. “Every year, we have 1,000 people buried under, says the criminologist. And if the DNA of these anonymous people is now taken before their burial, it is not subject to scientific examinations… due to lack of resources. There is no analysis because it costs too much, indicates Alain Bauer. Stunned by these revelations, Laurence Ferrari then asks him if there is a file bringing together all these people buried under X, who could well be among the missing people still being sought. “No. Already, it was necessary to impose the taking into account of DNA. Before, they were buried with nothing!”, replies the expert. Enough to amaze the host, and certainly her listeners. “We have systems that are antithetical to the identification and search for victims”finally estimated Alain Bauer.

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