CCA Token Summit 2022: Free Ticket for BTC-ECHO Readers

The crypto space is unregulated? Depends who you ask. At the CCA Token Summit 2022 in Liechtenstein, you will have the opportunity to exchange views with experts on the legal basis underlying crypto assets. In addition, the technological subtleties of blockchain technology are not neglected. The Token Summit will be the flagship event in the blockchain and distributed ledger technology space in Liechtenstein and the greater region.

If you want to secure one of 50 free tickets now, you should hurry: here go to registration.

What is already possible today, what makes sense? Where is the journey going and where will the fires be that will spark a decentralized future? How is the Metaverse doing? All of this will be discussed by over 40 speakers from over 10 countries.

CCA Token Summit: Safedean Ammous as top speaker

As a top speaker, the CCA Token Summit Dr. Win Saifedean Ammous. He is the best-selling author of the Bitcoin Standard, the must-read on Bitcoin. In his talk he will talk about the history of different forms of money. He shows what gave these different technologies their monetary status and how they lost it again. Ammous explains the economic, social, cultural and political benefits of sound money and contrasts them with our current monetary system.

Other speakers include Dr. Joachim Schwerin (Chief Economist at the EU Commission), Dominik Merz from the Swiss National Bank SNB, Hagen Thomas Weiss from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFIN), SD Prince Michael von und zu Liechtenstein and Dr. Thomas Dünser (Head of Office for Financial Center Innovation and Digitization, Liechtenstein National Administration). The event will be opened by Dr. Daniel Risch (Prime Minister Liechtenstein).

Here participants have the opportunity to network and meet with the minds behind exchanges, banks, layer 1 solutions and dApps. You’ll also meet crypto enthusiasts, advisors, regulators, and government officials to talk shop about the future of blockchain technology.

Crypto Country Association Hosts Event

The event is organized by the Crypto Country Association (CCA) eV. The CCA is an association dedicated to supporting the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors in Liechtenstein.

The association has entered into a performance agreement with the government of Liechtenstein and aims to coordinate the application and dissemination of these technologies in Liechtenstein and beyond, while ensuring quality. The CCA maintains close contact with authorities, associations and industry representatives and also sees itself as the industry representative vis-à-vis the FMA.

If you want to secure one of 50 free tickets now, you can click here.

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