Celebrities under palm trees: Even a prince has to know his limits

Celebrities under the palm trees
Even a prince must know his limits

Prince Marcus von Anhalt not only makes friends with “celebrities under palm trees”.

© SAT.1

Peace, joy, serenity on the beach? Nothing there: In episode one of “Celebrities under palm trees”, completely different guns were immediately brought up.

One mansion, twelve reality TV stars and tons of alcohol. Can that go well? The first episode of this year’s season “Celebs Under Palms” provided the answer: no way. Already on the first evening the worst insults were thrown around and glasses were broken – not to mention the group dynamics. At least the karma could be relied on.

With Giulia Siegel (46), Prince Marcus von Anhalt (54) and Patricia Blanco (50) the first candidates moved into the beach villa in Thailand. This was followed by Henrik Stoltenberg (24), Elena Miras (28), Willi Herren (45), Katy Bähm (28) and Chris Töpperwien (47). Kate Merlan (34), Melanie Müller (32), Calvin Kleinen (28) and Emmy Russ (21) made the group complete.

Prince Marcus makes himself unpopular

Shortly after moving in, it became clear that Calvin is in a quandary. He’s had a past with Emmy, but he’s obviously into Elena. Which of the two women should he only share the double bed with? He initially decided on dream woman Elena, but then crawled into bed that night with the jealous Emmy. Will he have long-term success with this dual approach?

Katy was confronted with a much bigger problem on the first evening – in the truest sense of the word. Prince Marcus, heavily drunk, threw the drag queen on the head that he found homosexuality – to put it mildly – repulsive and “not normal”. The sensation at the table was enormous and the Katy group immediately rushed to help. Above all Willi. While this ran more and more out of the skin, the attacked Katy became increasingly quiet. She decided that the matter would not be cleared up until the next morning, in the hope that one could have a reasonable conversation with the sober Prince Marcus.

Katy was not disappointed. It was Prince Marcus personally who came up to her and apologized for his abusive behavior at the dinner table – but not for his homophobic statements. It is his opinion and he stands by it. Katy accepted the apology but doubted its sincerity.

Calvin Kleinen versus Melanie Müller

Not only Prince Marcus offended with his behavior under the influence of alcohol. Calvin also indulged in a glass or two (too much), regardless of losses. First the refrigerator tipped over, bowls broke, milk cartons burst open and finally his wine glass had to believe in it. Melanie handed it. She gave the drunkard a good punch. But Calvin could count on dream woman Elena. While Emmy comforted Melanie, who was crying in the shower, Elena stood up for him in front of the rest of the group.

The group formation can begin

In the first game of the season, “Better Unicorn Than Keinhorn”, men and women competed separately. Disguised as unicorns, with the horn on their foreheads, they had to collect ten rings lying on the ground as quickly as possible and pile them on their collecting stick. Katy won the race for the men and Kate for the women. Your gain: As future team captains, you were each allowed to put together a team for the next game and were happy about the safe passage into the next round.

Katy bet on Team Orange for the game “Egyptian Boat Race”: Calvin, Henrik, Emmy, Chris and Giulia. Kate chose in team yellow: Elena, Willi, Melanie, Prince Marcus and Patricia. A boat had to be pulled across the sandy beach with the help of bamboo tubes. Prince Marcus and Patricia rose to the challenge for their team, but failed miserably. Prince Marcus lost his strength, he sagged in the sand and had to be treated by paramedics. Meanwhile, Team Orange continued undeterred – and took the clear victory.

The karma strikes back

Failure on the beach had consequences for Prince Marcus and Patricia. Team captain Kate nominated the two for the show off. The final decision was made by Team Yellow – including leader Katy. When it was 3-2 against Patricia in the end, her vote counted twice. Who did she send home? Clearly: With his homophobic remarks, Prince Marcus lost it with Katy. In episode one he had to pack his bags and give up the fight for the golden coconut and 100,000 euros early.
