Charlotte Gaccio (Tomorrow Belongs to Us): “They understand that…”, she talks about her 6-year-old twins

Complicated month of March for Audrey, her character in Tomorrow Belongs to Us (Monday to Friday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1). His son, Jordan, finds himself accused of murder. A test for his relationship too.

The Roussel family seems to be sailing in calm waters since the escape game intrigue. Are we going to stay on this note?

Charlotte Gaccio: Oh no, not really. It’s going to be a big shock for the Roussels! A man is dead and we discover that, the day before, he and Jordan had a violent argument. Since Damien is a cop, Audrey thinks he will do what it takes to exonerate Jordan. But everything is not going to go as planned.

Could this investigation endanger this couple?

No, these two are solid. And then, they are still newlyweds! There will still be waves. Damien will risk losing his job. Doubts will arise in people’s minds, but unity will be preserved because the foundation of this family is love.

Maxime Lélue, Jordan’s interpreter, is at the center of this intrigue. How did you find it?

Maxime has something unique, extremely moving in his look, in his playing. He always touches me with his accuracy and his sense of rhythm. There, he upset me. Get your tissues ready, it’s going to be your turn.

Are your 6-year-old twins, Zoé and Romeo, aware that you are famous?

They understand that I’m on TV, but it doesn’t interest them that much. I happened to take them to the set when I was struggling with babysitting, but they prefer to sit in my dressing room and watch cartoons.

Have you ever been made to feel the weight of guilt because you had to work?

Guilt comes with children! I don’t need others to feel it. They weren’t two hours old when I already thought I was doing things wrong.

How do you handle this?

Crying ! (Laughs.) Honestly, sometimes it’s difficult. But I’m like all mothers, I do what I can. And when I have to be away, I spend my time twisting my brain to find a way to see them as much as possible.

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