Chris Pratt’s incredible metamorphosis for the role

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The third volume of “Guardians of the Galaxy” will be released in 2023. For this role that made him famous, Chris Pratt had to submit to a drastic diet.

Spaceships, lasers, an unorthodox band of heroes and good old pop sound. These ingredients have made the success of Guardians of the Galaxy, marvel universe saga which has already had two opuses, not counting the intervention of the characters in the last two avengers and Thor: Love and Thunder. The May 2023 release of the third episode has been announced. Under the direction of James Gunn, the films had been a great success, driven in particular by colorful characters.

At the forefront of these, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord, played by Chris Pratt. A role that propelled the actor to the rank of superstar and sex symbol. He was then only known for secondary or minor roles and has since chained blockbusters like Jurassic World Where passengers. A success that was not achieved without work, if only on the physical level.

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Eat more but better

Chris Pratt has indeed had to carve out an athlete’s body for the first episode of Guardians of the Galaxy, and in particular a prison shower exit scene which had its effect. He thus has lost 27 pounds in order to fit into Star-Lord’s tight pants. He had at the time, in 2013, posted a photo of the result, because “his brother had obliged him”, he joked. Although he was not particularly paunchy before this training, the difference is impressive.

He explained that he had not drunk beer for six months to obtain this result. He explained to the magazine People that paradoxically he ate more, but better to get that body. For the second part of the saga, he also followed intensive training including sessions of battle ropes, medicine ball or CrossFit. A regime that he should resume at 43 for this latest opus. It must be said that he is used to this type of transformation. For example, he had revealed that to interpret a Navy Seal in Zero Dark ThirtyHe did 500 push-ups per day, although it was only a small role.

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