Chronic anxiety symptoms, causes and treatments: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Chronic anxiety: what exactly are we talking about?

First thing to know: " fear, which manifests itself in the same way as anxiety, is an innate emotion that sustains the species in the face of danger. It is made up of identical physical symptoms in humans and animals: cardiac and respiratory acceleration, muscle tension to cope with the effort … "explains Dr. Monique Rey, psychiatrist.

In anxiety, the danger lies in the representation we have of it: this representation is linked to our education, to more or less traumatic life events, or even to a depressive episode, which can "weaken" us – that is to say put us on more or less permanent alert.

When does anxiety become a problem? " Anxiety becomes a problem when it has a negative impact on everyday life "explains the psychiatrist. In short: when you can no longer do your shopping, go to work, find friends to go to a restaurant or go shopping … because of anxiety, there is a" disorder anxious ".

" The repercussions can be physical with pain, digestive disorders (diarrhea, nausea, stomach aches …), headaches, a feeling of suffocation or shortness of breath, insomnia … "

To know. In psychiatry, the category of "anxiety disorders" includes many disorders, including panic disorder (responsible for panic attacks), agoraphobia (an irrational fear of places from which one cannot easily escape or where one cannot escape. cannot easily receive help), specific phobias (arachnophobia, belenophobia, trypophobia …), social phobias (which are defined by an excessive fear of the gaze of the other), adjustment disorders or still post-traumatic stress.

" Anxiety disorders are characterized by common signs combining physical symptoms and anxiety-inducing thoughts related to fear of danger and one's own fear. "specifies the specialist.

Chronic anxiety: what is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is " marigold disease "according to Dr. Monique Rey." The person lives with the constant irrational fear of disaster. "When her children come to see her, the person suffering from TAG will fear a car accident; in the event of a medical examination (even trivial), she will immediately fear cancer; in the event of a purchase of a car or a house, she will be afraid of a hidden defect …

" Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) revolves around variable themes: most often, anxiety crystallizes around money, accidents or health, explains the psychiatrist. However, it is very rare to have an isolated generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): in the majority of cases, it is accompanied by a depression, addictions (to alcohol, for example), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) "

To know. According to the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), generalized anxiety disorder " evolves chronically with acute phases (often subject to consultation) and remissions ".

Generalized anxiety disorder: how is it managed?

When faced with a patient suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), the doctor will first offer hygiene and dietetic advice: stop smoking, practice regular physical activity, eat healthier, drink less alcohol, ease off on caffeine …

If the symptoms do not improve after a few weeks, treatment will be started. First, psychotherapy, preferably cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): " The goal of this brief therapy is to learn to distinguish between adapted thoughts (that is, legitimate worries) and maladaptive (irrational) thoughts so as to no longer adhere to the latter. Avoidance and "rumination" behaviors will be gradually reduced and replaced by "adapted" behaviors "specifies Dr. Monique Rey. The French National Authority for Health recommends between 12 and 25 sessions of CBT of approximately 45 minutes.

Deuzio, medicines to reduce anxiety symptoms: antidepressants (paroxetine, escitalopram, venlafaxine) and / or anxiolytics (buspirone). The duration of drug treatment for TAG is approximately 6 months according to the HAS.

At the same time, mindfulness meditation and relaxation can help improve symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): " it is about reducing the impact of very negative emotions on behavior ".

Thanks to Dr. Monique Rey, psychiatrist and specialist in OCD at the Lyon Lumière clinic (69).


Read also :

⋙ Chronic stress: what are the symptoms and the different treatments?

⋙ Autophobia: where does the fear of being alone come from and how to treat it?

⋙ Impulse phobia: how to break free from this disabling disorder?