Chronicle “L’air du temps” – Mélenchon: Private talk!

The tribune Mélenchon already saw himself at Matignon. It is the turn of his silences to be eloquent.

We will miss him. For six months, he had passed on television sets like a highway through a village. By force, it cluttered the landscape a little. Mocking, mocking, sneering, mischievous, mocking, mocking, cheeky, caustic, satirical… We only heard him. In their time, Danton and Gambetta must have provoked the same enthusiasm and the same fury. Except that he will look more like Jaurès, who has never been at the helm. Clemenceau, that plague tongue, was amused: “As soon as I hear the future tense spoken, I know it’s him. “I fear that the same fatality threatens Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He saw himself winning too soon, a bit like early daffodils that do not wait for the swallows to return. Matignon will have been only the chimera of a follower of the Coué method. Autosuggestion was not enough.

Dreaming of being Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron just to plot against him was a fad à la Louis de Funès in “Delusions of grandeur”. We will have escaped the Venezuelan model, one of the countries with the highest homicide rate in the world. Just like that of emigration. With role models like Chavez, Maduro or Castro, the future looked bleak. For a bit, a Zad would have settled in the National Assembly. What would have come of it? Mystery. The truth of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is mutant, amended, reworked and alternative. Lacan would have spoken of his “varieties”. Yesterday, he condemned the clam frogs to loathing; now, he broods over those of the minaret. Often the soul varies but we get lost in it. Same thing with law enforcement. A real pit bull in Paris, he turns into a poodle as soon as he approaches Havana or Caracas. The mere sight of the huge cap of the prefect Lallement turns his blood, but the special sections of the first general Tapioca to come light stars in his eyes. Here the police kill, there they protect.

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We can blame everything on Mélenchon except for not being intelligent

It is so: his character is inflexible but extensible. That said, only idiots don’t vary their opinions. Inconsistencies are part of a political journey like hills in a landscape. If you want to keep your ideas, it is better to change parties from time to time. Impossible for him: he had plowed the ground of the far left for too long to leave it to others. Anyway, the good old neo-communist recipes suited him well: leaving NATO, sabotaging the European Union, retirement at 60 and croissants in bed for everyone. What does it matter if you had to turn a blind eye to urban violence, incivility, veiled cities, black blocks and, casually, quietly, without boasting about it, on anti-Semitism. As Scott Fitzgerald said, “intelligence is operating on contradictory ideas”. And we can blame everything on Mélenchon except for not being intelligent. OK, he’s aggressive, conceited, sophist, quarrelsome, touchy, dismissive, redundant and, at times, pedantic, boorish and fat, but his brain works. And at thousands of revolutions per minute! It is his Trump character that is disturbing.

Also read. Chronicle “L’air du temps” – Mélenchon, the insurgent of choice

He talks too loudly, he always wants to have the last word, he flaunts his culture, he thinks he’s infallible because he believes what he says, he takes each of his sparks for a fire. With that, he displays great airs. Occasionally, when he gets out of the car, if a face doesn’t come his way, he waves a dismissive hand to his court to drive the rogue in question away. It’s so Old Regime. Let’s not talk about the journalists, his gaze glides over us like old crumpled cabbage leaves. Sometimes, an air of great weariness touches him, that of a man tired of bearing the fate of France alone on his shoulders. For the right and Emmanuel Macron, he made it his business: waltzing with the numbers like Tarzan with his vines, he had the answer to everything. It was the left that tormented him. Having buried the hatchet with the PS by planting it in his head, he was left with the Greens. Frustrated at having been upstaged by the town hall of Grenoble and its burkinis, that of Lyon wants to launch “genderless cycle paths”. Again, it promises. Well, it’s the others who will carry on this kind of fantasies. He must have said to himself: “Phew! »

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