Cinderella Diet: A Dangerous Diet Trend

A narrow waist like Cinderella – that's the goal of the Cinderella diet. But that can be harmful to your health!

Look like a princess! Now hand on heart: didn't you want that in the past? When the fairy godmother gives Cinderella her glittering blue dress and slips into the beautiful glass shoes, her narrow waist is perfectly staged. If it is a – dangerous! – Diet from Japan, the dream of such a wasp waist should become a reality. The so-called Cinderella diet spreads like wildfire in social networks.

What is behind the Cinderella diet trend?

The Cinderella diet is anything but healthy. Because the goal of the concept is a thin figure like that of Disney's Cinderella. That means translated: A body mass index (BMI) of under 18 – According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this value is the limit between normal and underweight!

This formula is behind the Cinderella diet

There is even one Formula with which the stated goal is supposed to be easily calculated using body height:

(Height in m x height in m) x 18 = Cinderella weight

For a 1.60 meter tall woman, the "ideal weight", according to the Cinderella diet, would be 46 kilos, whereas for a height of 1.70 meters you should not weigh more than 52 kilos. Healthy is definitely different!

Dangerous weight loss trend

The worse it is that more and more women worldwide are emulating this dangerous diet and risk your health. They want a slim waist like the Disney character, they don't care how they achieve that.

No prince likes skinny princesses

But one thing should not be forgotten with all perfectionism: Cinderella is a cartoon character and (luckily) miles away from reality. And which prince likes an underweight princess?

Reading tips: If you are actually a bit overweight and want to lose a few pounds, there are quite a few methods to lose weight in a healthy way. Take a look at our weight loss tips, Lose Weight Without Hunger and Lose Weight Without Sport articles.

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