CNews: this improbable gesture by Pascal Praud in full live after the volte-face of his columnist

While he was talking again about the vaccine pass with his columnists, Pascal Praud did not fail to gently make fun of Jean-Claude Dassier on the set of L’Heure des pros with an astonishing gesture, Thursday, February 3.

With his columnists, Pascal Praud knows how to be teasing. Thursday, February 3, the CNews journalist put on the set the possible candidacy of Emmanuel Macron, leading to the vaccine pass, which Olivier Véran announced the lifting probably earlier than expected, in the coming months. What to start the debate in Time for the pros, where everyone has their own opinion, with Pascal Praud as mediator. And obviously, the words of Jean-Claude Dassier, a regular guest on the show, did not escape him, even inspiring him with a little mockery.

Defender of the vaccination pass and the health pass, which he considered “a success, not to say a triumph”the columnist of Time for the pros was more vehement against the device which will soon be lifted. Incredulous, Pascal Praud then seized his suit jacket to turn it around, a metaphor for his opinion on the words of Jean-Claude Dassierwhich has obviously turned his jacket around vis-à-vis the vaccination pass. “But I always said that”defended the latter, while the journalist was amused by his new position on the issue.

Pascal Praud teasing with Jean-Claude Dassier

It must be said that concerning Jean-Claude Dassier, the host of CNews is not left out to make little jokes. When he is not in the mood to leave his set because of the words of a guest, Pascal Praud indeed likes to have fun with his columnists. Last January, after a page of advertising, he revealed live the message he received a few minutes earlier from a “viewer”. Yesterday at the Bon Marché I wrote a check and they asked me for my identity cardread the host, before asking Jean-Claude Dassier if he knew who this message came from. She’s your wifehe launched, before giving him some of the most wise advice: be careful because she is emptying the account.


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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

© CNews

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

© CNews

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

© CNews

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Time for the pros
The journalist kindly mocked one of his columnists

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