Cocooning: that’s behind the living trend

Ever heard of cocooning? We explain what’s behind the trend and how you can implement it yourself.

What is cocooning?

Roughly speaking, cocooning means withdrawing from the (threatening or complex) environment into your own home. But that doesn’t have to be a retreat into solitude: “Inviting is the new way of going out” has been the motto for some time. And so we invite neighbors to a game night, the family to dinner or organize binge-watching evenings with friends. According to the study “The New Mindfulness”, the focus of social cocooning is on a place of well-being and a sense of togetherness – instead of egocentrism and a culture of going out. And of course we are happy to support both with the topic of cocooning!

Trend cocooning – this is how cosiness works for your home

The Danish Hygge, the Scottish Coorie and the Swedish Lagom – all these lifestyles not only suggest a happier life. B. include good food and socializing, but also show how you can design your home in such a way that you feel comfortable. So if you are one of those people who like to spend time at home and / or prefer to withdraw in times of crisis, here are some tips on how you can create the right cosiness there with the help of cocooning. Basically, the following things help to create the right atmosphere:

  • Different light sources
  • carpet
  • Textiles such as pillows, blankets, curtains
  • Natural materials

The cocooning project as a living trend in summer

Events with lots of people, crowded parks and noisy ice cream parlors are not your thing? No big deal, it’s cozy at home too – especially with your favorite people. You can also enjoy the sun at home, on the balcony or in the garden. Lanterns, cozy sitting areas and a beautiful variety of plants make your outdoor area a place of well-being (and if you rely on evergreen plants, you can still benefit from it in winter). Bare walls usually do not create a homely atmosphere, trendy wall plates or a macrame wall hanging can quickly remedy this. For more trends, have a look at our wall decoration ideas.

Cooconing as a living trend in winter

It’s cold and uncomfortable outside, so we usually prefer to enjoy the cozy warmth of our apartment thanks to cocooning. This of course includes fluffy XXL blankets, candles, fairy lights and a large mug with hot chocolate (or coffee or tea). and For the finishing touches in the room, small things are sometimes enough, e.g. B. set up the windowsill as a cozy corner.