Collien Ulmen-Fernandes: The presenter allows herself more family time again

Elmen-Fernandes collies
The presenter allows herself more family time again

Collien Ulmen-Fernandes leads through the documentary “The 10 An-Gebote”.

© ZDF / Alexander Hein, IFAGE

On Boxing Day, Collien Ulmen-Fernandes presents “The 10 Offers”. The documentary made her rethink.

Collien Ulmen-Fernandes (40, “The Dream Ship”) will present the documentary “The 10 Offers” (6:10 pm, ZDF) on Boxing Day (December 26th). “You should not kill”, “You should not steal” or “You should not commit adultery” – more than half of Germans know the Ten Commandments. Every third person still considers them important today. They sound like prohibitions, but they’re more than that.

In an interview with spot on news, the presenter and actress explains what makes the documentary so special: “We wanted to see what the morale of Germans is like query the people’s current code of values ​​based on the Ten Commandments, “says Ulmen-Fernandes. “It was really interesting to pause for a moment and think about the commandments and what they mean in the here and now,” she adds.

“You should keep the holiday holy” – the most important commandment of the artist

There is a broad consensus on topics such as “You should not kill”, but they would have been surprised by topics such as “You should sanctify the holiday” during research and filming. At first she wasn’t even aware of their importance, so Ulmen-Fernandes. “In the weeks before that, I often worked seven days a week. And when I was shooting this documentary, I realized again: That’s right, you have to take time out. That is really important and since then I’ve been very consistent with it again. Because you needs this break, “says the working mum and wife of actor Christian Ulmen (46,” jerks. “).

At the weekend, “family time is strictly the order of the day, and none of us work,” she explains. “We went back to Hamburg again and visited the relatives there to spend time together. This return was really nice and important,” says the all-rounder.

Conversations with “God”, a “Grandma for Future” and a YouTuber

In the documentary, Collien Ulmen-Fernandes also talks to theater director and actor Dieter Hallervorden (86) about “You should sanctify the holiday”. “‘You should sanctify the holiday’ goes very well with the life of an artist, since theater performances take place on the weekend and he has to work on Saturdays and Sundays,” said the moderator. “Dieter Hallervorden consistently takes Monday off when he has to be on stage on Sunday, and thus simply postpones his public holiday by one day,” she continues. This break is extremely important to him and she thinks it is exemplary.

She then adds with a laugh: “The reason why we talked to him is that he is playing God in his current play. We thought: If we are going to do a program on the 10 Commandments, of course we have to also talk to God. He invented them after all. “

Ulmen-Fernandes also had interesting conversations in the documentary with Cordula Weimann, co-founder of the “Omas for Future” movement. The two women take on the topic “You shouldn’t steal”. And with YouTuber Marvin Wildhage, she explores the subject of “lies in social media”.


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