Corona aktuell: What people are doing differently after the pandemic

Corona current
What people want to do differently after the pandemic

© Halfpoint / Shutterstock

Will everything be the same as it used to be after the corona crisis? The results of a study suggest that people want to do things differently after the pandemic.

The corona pandemic has completely changed our lives. Two years ago hardly anyone would have expected masks and hygiene sprays to become everyday companions and hugs, which are rare features. The coronavirus has been accompanying people for a while and is slowly but surely leaving traces in their behavior.

What will life look like after the pandemic? Will everything actually go back to the way it was before? Do we even want that? Researchers at the Kantar Emnid Institute have now got to the bottom of these questions. In a representative survey, 1008 people were interviewed about their habits in the Corona crisis – and which they want to keep. The results were published in the Protestant magazine “Chrismon” and have now been summarized by the Tagesschau.

Majority wants to do without handshakes after Corona

Lo and behold: it can already be assumed that the pandemic will change our lives far-reaching even after it has ended.

  • 79 percent of those surveyed said they wanted to continue walking a lot even after the Corona crisis.
  • 62 percent want to avoid shaking hands in the long term – and prefer to say hello without shaking hands instead.
  • 35 percent plan to continue wearing mouth and nose protection in shops and on public transport.
  • In the meantime, 31 percent seem to have professionalized their cooking skills to such an extent that they stated that after the pandemic they wanted to cook less in restaurants and more often themselves.
  • 23 percent want to work more often in the home office even after the end of the Corona crisis.

Well, it looks like we’re about to finally say goodbye to a few habits – the handshake, for example. By the way, 70 percent of women in the survey were in favor of refraining from this greeting in the future. Wearing mouth and nose protection can also make sense in everyday life even without a pandemic, after all, there are even more bacteria and viruses apart from Corona.

What surprises us, however, is the food at home. Because we can no longer see our cooking skills – to put it mildly – slowly. But whether everything will actually change after Corona remains to be seen anyway. After all, humans are and will remain creatures of habit and will certainly quickly find their way in life after the pandemic.

Which habits would you like to keep after Corona? How are you doing in the crisis and what have you perhaps even learned about yourself? Feel free to exchange ideas in ours Community out!
