Corona crisis: side calculates effects of one's own actions

In the global corona crisis, it is now up to everyone to act. Stay at home as much as possible, pay more attention to hygiene rules, avoid public transport and crowds. In order to make the effects of your own actions understandable and measurable, three friends have developed a tool for calculating this influence. On "Pandemic Footprint" you can determine your own pandemic footprint in just a few steps.

Equivalent to the economic footprint, a key figure can be calculated based on the information provided by the user: how often have you been in contact with others, how well have you followed the hygiene rules or how often have you been in a risk area. The determined value is between 0 and 1000 – the lower the better. "If everyone behaves like you, then we won't be able to contain the corona pandemic," is Christian Wolf's message to ZDF. Together with two old school colleagues, Len Werle and Alexander Grimme, he designed the page. The tool is intended to make it particularly clear to young people that they too have to step down now in order not to endanger risk groups. "We wanted to make it as simple as possible for people to understand that it makes a difference whether they are still sitting in bars or staying at home," said Wolf.

Keep PFI small

After the three men decided on WhatsApp to launch the site on Saturday afternoon, it was online within just two days. The PFI, ie the "Pandemic Footprint Index", has already been calculated over 250,000 times via the self-built domain. Wolf says about the PFI and the corona crisis: "If everyone sees that their pandemic footprint is and remains small, it helps everyone."