Couples Have More Sex When Men Do This One Thing – Video

Many men always gratefully accept advice on more sex – a study has now revealed this insane tip for men to have a happier partner and more sex.

Guys, watch out: you want more sex in a relationship, but are you looking for the most direct way to get there? This tip may make many men roll their eyes and make all women laugh outraged, but a study now reveals that men can get more sex with a very simple "trick". Allegedly, this nice gesture during the woman's period is a real miracle cure: 46 percent of women whose partners did not do them this favor were dissatisfied with their relationship, 32.5 percent of them were also dissatisfied with their sex life. Which suggests that this "surefire tip" is perhaps more of a symptom of what is generally going well (or less well) in the relationship. Watch the video and say yourself: Would this gesture tear you off your feet in a storm?

Source used: GQ
