Covid-19: Éric Ciotti and Philippe Juvin call for the generalization of FFP2 masks

The finalist of the Republican primary lamented Sunday in “The Grand Jury RTL / LCI / Le Figaro” the lack of stocks of the FFP2, which “protect more” against the Covid-19. An opinion shared by Philippe Juvin, another candidate for the primary of the right.

Éric Ciotti, finalist of the primary of the Republicans and support of Valérie Pécresse, called Sunday in “The Grand jury RTL / LCI /Le Figaro” at “the generalization of FFP2 masks“, Who “protect more»Facing the Covid-19 and of which he deplored the lack of stocks. “Today we do not have stocks, production in France has fallen by 90% (compared to the end of 2020, facing competition from Asia, Editor’s note)“.

We will come there, I take the bet, because this mask protects more and that other countries, like Austria and Italy, came there.Added the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes. The FFP2 “costs 10 times more expensive (actually up to six times more than a surgical mask, editor’s note), but it protects 100 times more“, Argued Eric Ciotti, referring to the filtration of air in and out of this type of mask, and its airtightness. According to him, “it is up to the State to equip vulnerable groups, health personnel and public personnel such as teachers with FFP2 masks“.

SEE ALSO –I will vote for the vaccine pass», Affirms Éric Ciotti

An opinion shared by another candidate for the right-wing primary, Philippe Juvin. On Twitter, the trained anesthesiologist asked: “Faced with Omicron, why is (the FFP2 mask) not recommended, at least indoors?“. “Could it be that there are not enough?“, Asked the mayor of La Garenne-Colombes, affirming that this type of mask”filters and protects much better than the surgical mask“.

Favorable to the vaccination pass

For his part, Eric Ciotti also affirmed that he “vote

SEE ALSO – Emmanuel Macron does not like France», Criticizes Éric Ciotti about the European flag under the Arc de Triomphe

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