Covid-19: in the Assembly, heated debates around the bill on the vaccine pass

“The tidal wave is therefore there, well there. It is dizzying, but we do not give in to panic,” said Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, at the opening of the session at the National Assembly. This Monday afternoon, the deputies debated in the hemicycle on the draft law of the vaccine pass, planned to replace the health pass by January 15. Stirred debates, which the Minister of Health tried to moderate by calling on parliamentarians to “unite”.

The vaccine, “a racket with holes” for Mélenchon

“Maybe this is the last variant. Maybe this is the last wave. Maybe this wave will give us some form of immunity, but we have two adversaries in front of us – I do. repeat to fully understand the meaning of this bill – the very contagious, less dangerous Omicron variant and the contagious, very dangerous delta variant. ” Insufficient statements for the opposition.

There followed a full blast between Olivier Véran and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the boss of the Insoumis. “We were therefore against this health pass. Here we are against the vaccination pass because it is 100% ineffective. 91% of the eligible population is vaccinated, but what is the point if all of a sudden there are 500,000 infections per day? In other words, the proof is provided that this vaccine is a racket with holes. ” To which the Minister of Health retorted: “You mentioned this Pfizer thing that you would never, ever receive. I believe you received your third dose of Pfizer, mister the deputy.”

Behavior worthy of “bad President of the Republic”, continued Olivier Véran, citing the examples of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Trump in the United States. With over 650 amendments, the bill is expected to be discussed until the end of the night. It will be in the Senate on Tuesday, with a view to final adoption by Parliament by the weekend.

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