Cowardly attack – dog of the mayor of Fischbach shot

Terrible, cowardly attack on a four-legged friend in Styria: “Emil”, the beloved family dog ​​of Fischbach Mayor Silvia Karelly, was probably kidnapped, literally executed by 70 bullets from a shotgun, his dead body thrown into a stream bed! Please inform the police urgently.

Silvia Karelly is completely stunned: “Who is doing such a terrible thing to us? My daughters are crying for their beloved dog, we are all completely exhausted, what kind of person is that?” “Emil”, the beloved animal center of the family, was probably shot Monday evening. At close range, as the official vet suspects, “like an execution”. 70 shotgun pellets riddled his head. His dead body was found in a creek bed. Animal corpses thrown into the creek Silvia Karelly: “We had let our ‘Emil’ out, he always made his rounds around the house.” Since no shot was heard, her terrible assumption is: “Ours friendly, approachable dog may have been lured by someone, taken away and outright executed elsewhere.” The cowardly perpetrator then threw the animal’s body into a stream, where it was found today. The (still) unknown person took the collar with him. The animal, which was taken in by the Karelly family exactly a year ago as a foundling, had survived a targeted attack using poison bait. Of course, the mayor of Fischbach now fears that the lousy attack could be an act of revenge on herself or her work. “But I really don’t know that I would have harmed enemies or anyone.”Since the service building also burned down, there is a suspicion that everything could be related. Please inform the police urgently!
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