Craig Wright: Allegations of plagiarism against “Bitcoin inventors”

What do Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Franziska Giffey and Ursula von der Leyen have in common? All of them are said to have cheated in their scientific work. Similar allegations are now directed against Craig Wright. The self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin cheated on his doctoral thesis. That’s what the anonymous blogger “PaintedFrog” claims in one go contribution.

Specifically, it is about the doctorate that Craig Wright received in 2017 at Charles Sturt University in Australia. In his dissertation “considerable, intentional plagiarism” can be found. The Australian is said to have copied almost the entire sixth chapter. “In almost all cases, he didn’t even change the sentence structure,” the blogger writes.

This is not the first allegation of plagiarism that Craig Wright has faced. He is also said to have cheated in a 2008 paper at Northumbria University in Newcastle.

But even outside of scientific work, Craig Wright was not so particular about intellectual property. In 2021, a US court found him guilty and fined him $100 million.

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