Crowds in April – The leap year leaves couples in love cold

Leap Day is considered a special day for weddings. Nevertheless, there is apparently little appeal for those wanting to get married to only celebrate their wedding anniversary every four years. This year, April is a popular wedding date for couples in love.

The wedding fever seems to have cooled down somewhat in Upper Austria. According to current figures from Statistics Austria, only 7,729 couples said yes in Upper Austria in 2023. The number fell by almost seven percent compared to the previous year. At the same time, the number of divorces rose: 2,244 couples separated last year. That’s an increase of 5.8 percent. Marriage seems to have become irrelevant for many people. Nevertheless, there are of course weddings this year too. Wedding on Leap Day: An interesting aspect is that 2024 is a leap year. But although February 29th is considered a special day for weddings and could even change the minds of those who don’t like weddings, only a few couples dare to take the plunge into marital bliss on this unusual day. The reason is obvious: the wedding anniversary could then only be celebrated correctly every four years – that makes it difficult for silver or golden weddings. So it’s understandable that only a few people seem to want to exchange wedding vows on Leap Day. Popular date in April: However, there is a greater rush of people wanting to get married in April. A very popular date for lovers is April 24, 2024. “We are supposed to have four weddings on that day, three of which have already been fixed,” reveals Baumann.
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