Cut hair yourself: how it works

Sometimes the essentials are missing: no free space in your own appointment calendar. Or that of the hairdresser. Or the monthly budget is exhausted. But what can we do when the cut is completely out of shape and the hair is simply no longer lying? The motto is then itself the woman. With our tricks, it works like a professional!

Cutting hair yourself – that's possible!

Of course, we cannot cut completely new hairstyles like a hairdresser ourselves. If you want to cut a pixie from a long hair mane, you should make an appointment with the hairdresser in your own interest. But cutting tips, cutting steps and trimming bangs is one of our easiest exercises from now on.

Important: buy good scissors!

Unfortunately, this won't work with the craft scissors. A good pair of hair scissors is a basic requirement for a clean cut. The best are smooth honed professional scissors with honing. A fine-toothed comb and a water sprayer (otherwise used for houseplants) are helpful.

Cut broken tips

How to get rid of split ends: Divide a two centimeter thick strand and twist the hair tight. Then cut off the ends of the hair that look out with scissors. We'll show you how it looks in the video tutorial 'Cutting split ends'. For the back of the head, you probably need a little help.

Cut bangs

  • The best thing to do is to cut your bangs dry, otherwise there is a quick risk that they will be too short if they are cut wet, because such short hair pulls up unpredictably.
  • Stand in front of the mirror with scissors and a fine-toothed comb – make sure there is sufficient lighting.
  • Then comb the bangs down, but in such a way that the hair lies loosely on the forehead – not pressed flat, because this also falsifies the actual fall length.
  • Then hold the hair loosely (!) Between the index finger and middle finger slightly away from the forehead.
  • Use scissors to cut the pony at a slight angle from below, always just a few millimeters – like tiny pointed teeth. Proceed carefully millimeter by millimeter – and look in the mirror from time to time.
  • If you want to cut a round pony, you should first determine the point at which the pony becomes longer on the sides. Then start deeper and deeper.

Cut off length

It will be difficult to do this all by ourselves, because it is difficult for us to get the hair on the back of the head. Anyone who can get help from boyfriend or girlfriend should accept. It will be easier if you cut the hair when it is wet, but then you should take into account that the hair still pulls up a bit – depending on the hair structure. With wavy hair and curls, that's even one to three centimeters!

That's how it's done:

  • After washing or moistening the parting as usual, comb the hair completely with a fine-toothed comb.
  • Start on one side at the front to divide a strand about one to two centimeters wide.
  • Straighten them again with the comb and then take the strand between the index and middle fingers and place the scissors underneath. Now it shows how important good scissors are. Carefully snip off millimeter by millimeter. If you just cut off in one piece, you risk corners.
  • Continue like this in streaks. Finally, there is the right-left comparison: To do this, pull the two front strands on the right and left of the face very smoothly down with your fingers. Are both the same length? Congratulation. Otherwise you have to cut something.