Decisions are approaching – Austria Salzburg is waiting until Christ Child

The future of coach Christian Schaider at western league team Austria Salzburg should be clarified. However, the Violets need to take action in another position. Just like at your own stadium.

Will Christian Schaider also be on the bench at Austria Salzburg next season? Most likely! “We actually agree. Everything should be wrapped up before Christmas,” said chairman David Rettenbacher. Only small details remain to be clarified. The written report from the Bundesliga will also arrive at the stadium in the coming days. The arena was recently inspected. The verbal feedback was positive. But something is still missing for the green light. Sascha Gasthuber is now quitting as a junior manager. “He took us to a new level,” emphasized Rettenbacher. The position will be filled with a “top man”. Here too, everything should be clear by Christmas. Well-known candidateAccording to “Krone” information, Raphael Laghnej is a promising candidate. The former BSK coach is considered an absolute expert and draws on a wealth of experience from his time in Germany. A commitment from Mainz would also be a sign that Austria’s focus on youth work is not just lip service. Wals-Grünau also has to leave. Stefan Federer is moving to Ostermiething in the winter. But first he would like to devote himself to defending his title at the “Salzburger Stier”.
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