Despite the thaw – good booking situation in Salzburg’s tourist locations

Winter tourism is booming again! The accommodation providers in the state are optimistic about the next few weeks…

After a record summer with almost 14 million overnight stays, Salzburg’s tourism is also heading for peak values ​​this winter season. Despite the thaw, the booking situation is currently good. Wolfgang Breitfuss, head of the Saalbach-Hinterglemm tourism association, is optimistic: “We’re now at 98 percent occupancy and up to March practically continuously at 80 percent.” . “The mood here is very good, there is positive feedback from all sides, from guests as well as hosts. We have the additional advantage in the region that Sportgastein is very high and there has even been fresh snow there in the past few days”, says Eva Irnberger, managing director of the Bad Hofgastein spa and tourism association. Around ten percent of Salzburg’s gross regional product goes to tourism, and around 38,000 people find work directly in tourism.
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