Detox after the holidays: how to recover from the Christmas meal?

RNo Christmas, New Year’s Eve, at the end of each year, food excesses follow one another. The body – especially the liver – is put to the test during this marathon. General fatigue, pimples, irritability, bloated stomach, headaches – all of these alerts the body to excess fat and sugar. “During the holidays, we often eat a little too heavy. Excess alcohol and food force our body to work harder. It is important to put it to rest so that it can recover properly, ”explains Florence Foucaut, dietitian, nutritionist and member of the French Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists (AFDN).

Even if, after the meal, the refrigerator is often full of (tempting) leftovers from the day before (a slice of foie gras, a piece of log, a piece of cheese, a few potatoes or guinea fowl), you have to know how to resist . “The day after Christmas, we do not rush on the leftovers and we do not commit the same excesses as the day before,” advises the specialist.

In search of potassium

Indeed, after the abundance of food for festive meals, it is better to carefully choose the contents of your plate. For this, certain foods are preferred. “Products that are too fatty require the liver to work harder to digest them. We must therefore focus on a lighter diet in order to facilitate digestion, ”explains the dietician. For this, choose steamed vegetables. This cooking method, without adding fat, does not destroy all the vitamins and retains all the nutrients. Soups and soups are also a good alternative. Raw or cooked, vegetables rich in fiber contain potassium essential for the drainage of the liver. Cabbage, broccoli, leek or fennel are the most draining vegetables. To spare your liver, keep a light hand on the fat and prefer cooking without butter or cream.

To accompany the vegetables, choose a lean meat (such as a chicken breast) or a white fish. “This light dish will allow you to counterbalance, after the big fat load on Christmas Eve. “

Move on !

If the content of the plate is important, so is hydration. So, we forget alcohol and sugary drinks, and we prefer water to rehydrate. “Tea and herbal teas are also recommended to evacuate the toxins accumulated in the liver”, details Florence Foucaut. And to add: “The boldo flowers used in herbal tea fight against liver dysfunctions. »For a change, you can also drink a large glass of lemon, grapefruit or orange juice.

Watching your diet is essential to eliminate excess, but it must necessarily go hand in hand with an activity. “Rather than sitting on the couch all day, take a walk. Getting active will also help your body recover quickly and prepare for New Years Eve. “Florence Foucaut gives one last piece of advice:” If you aren’t hungry the day after a big meal, don’t force yourself to eat. Listen to your body and give it only what it asks for. “

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