Did you know ? Valérie Pécresse has recruited an ex-columnist for C à vous

This Tuesday, January 4, Valérie Pécresse unveiled her HQ, but also her campaign team. Among his followers, a former figure of the show C to you, broadcast on France 5.

Objective 2022. This January 4, Valérie Pécresse presented its campaign HQ called “La Fabrique”. “We will conduct a hyper-proximity campaign to counter health constraints “, declared the Republican candidate, surrounded by her former opponents in the primary, Eric Ciotti, Michel Barnier and Xavier Bertrand, with the exception of Philippe Juvin, tested positive for Covid-19. And to lead her to victory, Valérie Pécresse has recruited her “great army”. Among its speakers, a former columnist of the show C to you on France 5: the Guadeloupean chef Babette de Rozières.

After having prepared delicious little dishes for the team of C to you for many years, this passionate about cooking got into politics. Babette de Rozières is regional advisor in Île-de-France, chaired by Valérie Pécresse. In the aftermath of the regional elections, she also obtained the post of special delegate Gastronomy. In an interview with 78 news last April, Babette de Rozières praised her regional president, as if she was already in the countryside. “We have an exceptional record because we were on all fronts, she had assured. Valérie Pécresse did not have a moment’s rest. She is a working woman and I even wonder how she is doing in her private life because She’s on all fronts, had explained the ex-cook of C to you with admiration.

⋙ PHOTOS – Valérie Pécresse: “her hair color attracts sympathy, it’s that of grannies and daronnes!”

© JLPPA / BestimageValérie Pécresse and Babette de Rozières during an event in Saint-Ouen as part of the Semaine du Goût, October 7, 2019.

Valérie Pécresse is “a very feminine chef”

Valérie Pécresse is the first woman in his party to run for the Presidency of the Republic. “A woman who holds, a woman who does, a woman who wants to win, that can be formidable”, she had launched unequivocally during her victory in the Congress of the Republicans last December. Being a woman, a campaign argument brandished by the candidate, but also by her supporters. Women don’t aim for failure and don’t bend either, they have spines. Valérie has a backbone, otherwise I wouldn’t be wasting my time with her. He’s a chef, very feminine, and that’s what makes his strength, Babette de Rozières assured our colleagues.

Photo credits: Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage

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