Dispute over parental allowance: Klingbeil: Rather abolish spouse splitting

Controversy over parental allowance
Klingbeil: Rather abolish marriage splitting

After the heating law, a new dispute broke out in the traffic light shortly before the summer break – about parental allowance. The Greens want to delete it for very good earners. SPD leader Klingbeil is now making another suggestion that would mean losses for married couples.

SPD leader Lars Klingbeil has instead called for the rapid abolition of spouse splitting for all new marriages in order to resolve the traffic light dispute over savings in parental allowance. “I am in favor of higher incomes shouldering more and more responsibility. But questions about distribution are clarified through tax policy, not through parental allowance,” Klingbeil told the editorial network Germany (RND).

“I have a suggestion on how to use the debate about parental allowance now and resolve the public dispute between the Greens and the FDP forward,” said the Social Democrat. “We’re finally getting rid of spouse splitting. This would put an end to the antiquated tax model that favors the classic distribution of roles between men and women. And the state would save money.”

The outcry about parental allowance is less due to the fact that couples with a gross annual income of 180,000 to 190,000 euros should no longer get it. “Parental allowance is not a social benefit, it is intended to motivate men to take on more responsibility in the family.” Without parental allowance – even for the top earners – the woman will probably stay at home again because the man often gets more money. “This is a step backwards for equality.”

However, the “impact of this public debate” should be used to modernize parental benefits. “At the moment, most men take two months parental leave, if at all, because that’s the minimum limit from which it’s financially worthwhile.” It would be better if fathers also looked after the child for several months.

With spouse splitting, spouses submit a tax return together. They are therefore assessed together. Both partners pay the tax rate that would apply to half of the income. The higher-earning partner pays less tax as a result, which can result in significant savings.

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