do you burn more calories when it’s cold?

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Does the cold make us burn more calories? A Doctor answers us and explains the impact of the cold on the body.

When it’s hot, our body expends energy to lower the temperature, and this happens in particular through perspiration. Conversely, when it’s cold, the body sets up a whole defense system to warm and protect the body as much as possible. Is this energy expenditure significant enough to make us lose weight? How many calories does that represent? THE Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician, answered this question for Doctissimo. As a reminder, the basic metabolism corresponds to the energy spent by the body at rest to make the various organs, digestion, the brain function correctly, but also to maintain its temperature at 36.5°C on average.

Cold increases energy expenditure

Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor, explains that the cold causes the creation of muscle contractions: “The cold will trigger a physiological reaction in our body to keep it at a temperature of 37°C: it’s the shiver. It is a muscular contraction, which therefore constitutes calorie consumption“. He also explains that: “The heart is the pump that circulates blood to our organs and limbs. It is the blood that keeps us warm. If you feel cold, the heart will start beating harder to try to warm the body faster. It also leads to an increase in calorie consumption.s”.

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Cold and weight loss

Cold temperatures, or the consumption of cold foods therefore have an impact on the body’s energy expenditure, but this is too insignificant to cause real weight loss. In addition, these defense mechanisms can be a source of stress for the body and increase cortisol production which can promote fat storage. As you will have understood, it is therefore strongly advised not to stay in a cold environment in the hope of losing weight in a healthy way!

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