Does exercising on an empty stomach help you lose weight faster? A dietician’s response: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Every year with the arrival of spring, many people want to shed the few pounds gained during the winter, by adopting a healthy diet and practicing regular physical activity. Some are in more of a hurry than others, and try to lose weight more quickly by exercising on an empty stomach. But does it really have an impact on weight loss?

In a video posted on Instagram, dietician Pauline Budynski, also known under the pseudonym @paulinebudynski_dieteticienne on social networks, published a video in which she expresses herself on the preconceived idea that one should practice sport on an empty stomach to lose weight. weight faster.

Weight loss: does practicing sport on an empty stomach help you burn more fat?

As the dietician points out in her video, according to science, it is being in a calorie deficit over the long term that causes weight loss. “A calorie deficit which must be intelligent and adapted to the needs of each person”, she specifies. She adds that science does not support the fact of having to exercise on an empty stomach to lose weight more easily. According to the nutrition expert, this idea is very widespread, since she explains that she quite often hears people say “after sport I don’t really want to eat because I don’t want to waste my efforts”.

However, as she indicates in her video, if you want to do sports on an empty stomach with a view to losing weight, “we should not expect miraculous results”. Indeed, eating a banana (fruit taken as an example by the expert) before practicing physical activity will not undermine all your efforts. On the contrary, it can even help “boost your training and boost your performance” declares the specialist.

When you want to lose weight, the important thing is to exercise and move, to create a calorie deficit. That is why, “the best time to play sports and train is the one that suits you”, indicates the dietician. So, what matters most for losing weight is “what we put on our plate and regularity in sport”, she concludes.

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