DOFUS Retro Temporis 2, opening date and pre-registration

If you want to get started in Temporis 2 on Dofus Retro, now is the right time! The servers have not yet opened and the pre-registrations on the other hand are. There is only one step to the Kingdom of Parchomancia.

Temporis Dofus Retro 2: Opening date and pre-registration by Parchomancia

The Temporis 2 Dofus Retro servers will open their doors from Wednesday April 19. Mainly remember that it will be possible to connect in the afternoon, probably 3 p.m. Indeed, it was the opening time for the first edition. You will also need to use a special game client from the Ankama Launcher. Finally, a little reminder; you must be a subscriber to Dofus to be able to connect. It is not necessary to pre-register to play. However, you gain some bonuses.

Pre-registrations will remain online until April 17. As for the servers, they will end on June 21, after 9 weeks of opening. You will therefore have a little more time compared to the rush of Iop.

As a reminder, this edition offers exclusive temporary gameplay around the recovery of Parchomancy spells and refurbished classes. It will no longer be available thereafter, just to titillate your “Fear of Missing out”.

Useful information

Pre-registrants will have a Bandage of Heroes as a bonus gift. The latter will allow you to regenerate a little life easily in each fight. Other objects will also be unlocked, such as an outfit, but with a subscription pack.

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