"Don't forget the lyrics": a production blunder makes internet users angry: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

For several days, the candidates of the show Do not forget the lyrics only make a short stint in the music program, not chaining more than three or four wins. It’s only fair if the maestros have time to take advantage of their micro money. Fanny, Sindy and even Paul are talking about them for their sometimes original outfits, their projects or their anecdotes, but will not have their participation engraved in the annals of tele-crochet animated by Nagui like other maestros before them. Monday June 22, 2020, the production of the show wanted to go a little too quickly in revealing the first name of the winner of the day.

The name of the winner revealed by mistake

Indeed, as explained Here is, every day, on the official twitter account from the France 2 show, the maestro’s photo is revealed. The day after the music festival, fans of the program saw a photo of a candidate they did not know appear on the social network. with the caption: "To immediately Véronique"Except that the public expected Emilie, the current Maestro, to face a candidate named Kevin."There is a day's lag … Véronique is coming now and she will win 5000 € !!! "," Little problem right? "," Ouuuuuh le fail spoil"wrote the internet users who quickly noticed the problem. In her post, the production thus revealed in advance the name of the candidate and the amount of her earnings. To date, she has not yet reacted to her error and also did not withdraw its publication, which is now topical.

Read also : "Don't forget the words": the new maestro Leslie worked for a famous American actor