Drunk at the trial: – Accused lawyer even insults the judge

Insults repeatedly erupted in the retired Frau Doctor before she was convicted of resisting state authority and causing serious bodily harm in the Vienna Regional Court. For just a very brief moment, she seems clear.

It arouses curiosity when a lawyer, a doctor, is accused of resisting state authority and attempting to cause serious bodily harm. And it makes you sad when you follow this very hearing, which was scheduled for Monday at the Vienna Regional Court. “Have you been drinking?” – “Yes, of course.” sink into the indictment chair. Judge Stefan Erdei asked what happened on December 13: “Have you been drinking?” – “Yes, of course,” was the quick answer them in the leg. One of the officials reports as a witness of “complete aggressiveness”. Emotional outbursts in the courtroom which also repeatedly break out in the courtroom. “Wah!”, “You whore” and “Bye. idiot,” is the most reserved thing. She states that she drank “cappuccino and Jägermeister” before the trial. This is not the first time she has had to answer for her outbursts of anger, but so far she has gotten away with diversion. “Why does something like this keep happening to you?” asks Erdei. For a brief moment, the accused appears clear. “Because I’m getting older and older and sadder,” she says, wiping her eyes.Judgment: Eight months conditionalAfter the verdict was pronounced – eight months conditional, not final – even Mr. Rat gets his fat on the exit: “Mr Doctor judge. Go sh…, Oida.”
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