Duchess Kate and Duchess Meghan: they could all meet again at this wedding

Both Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan and Prince William and Duchess Kate are invited to the Brooklyn Beckham wedding.

A particularly interesting situation could arise at the wedding of Brooklyn Beckham (21) and Nicola Peltz (25): Victoria Beckham (46), as reported by the British media, has Prince Harry (36) and Duchess Meghan (39) as well Prince William (38) and Duchess Kate (38) invited to their son's wedding.

Royal showdown?

The Beckhams are friends with both royal couples, but they seem to have had some problems with each other for a long time. It is said that the brothers and their wives have hardly spoken to each other since they last appeared together on Commonwealth Day in March.

A source said, according to the UK's Mirror, that Victoria Beckham is worried about the upcoming, forced meeting: "She's not only worried about how everyone feels when they are brought together, but also that they get the attention will no doubt withdraw from Brooklyn and Nicola. " David Beckham (45) is not so critical of the whole thing: "He is sure that the royals know how to deal with the situation."

In addition, the wedding has now been postponed to 2022 due to the ongoing corona pandemic. Perhaps by then the royals' relations will have relaxed again …
