Duchess Meghan: did she bullied palace employees?

Several important employees of Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry quit their service in 2018 and 2019. British media wondered at the turnover. Now, two and a half years later, insiders are making serious allegations.

Duchess Meghan, 39, "expelled two personal assistants from the royal household and undermined the self-confidence of a third employee," writes The Times. The allegations are made by people around the royal family. The reason: In public, "only a partial version" of how Meghan acted in Kensington Palace was created. Now you want to describe your own view of things.

Duchess Meghan is said to have bullied employees

One of the sources told the newspaper, "There were many broken people. Young women were broken by their [Meghan's] behavior."

An unpleasant incident is said to have occurred as part of a schedule. "I was scared. I couldn't stop shaking," one person recalls the moment when Meghan called them about a disagreement.

Samantha Cohen, the former private secretary of the Sussexes, was also "treated horribly", it is said. "Nothing was ever good enough [for Meghan]," report the insider.

Another former employee claims to have been personally "humiliated" by Meghan Markle. It "felt more like emotional cruelty and manipulation, which could also be described as bullying," adds another informant.

Complain about "unacceptable" behavior

Jason Knauf, the Sussexes' then communications secretary, allegedly filed a complaint in the Buckingham Palace HR department in October 2018. In an email, he wrote: "I am very concerned that the Duchess was able to harass two household PAs [personal assistants] over the past year. The treatment of X was completely unacceptable." He added: "The Duchess seems to be careful to keep her sights on someone. She bullies Y and tries to undermine her confidence. We have received report after report from people who have observed unacceptable behavior towards Y."

Prince Harry was involved in the case

Other high-ranking employees at Buckingham Palace and Clarence House also knew, according to the article, that there is a situation "in which employees, especially young women, have been bullied to the point of crying." However, nothing is said to have been undertaken. On the contrary: After Prince Harry found out about the matter, he is said to have asked Jason Knauf to let the matter rest.

The palace protected Meghan

"The institution has always protected Meghan. All the men in gray suits [high-ranking royals] who she [Meghan] hates have a lot to answer for because they did absolutely nothing to protect the [bullied] people." , claims one of the insiders.

Instead, another measure is said to have been taken to solve the problem: Prince William and his private secretary Simon Case immediately tackled the long-term separation of Kensington Palace from Harry and Meghan. The press release about the establishment of a separate household for the Sussexes went public in mid-March 2019.

That's what the Duchess of Sussex says about the allegations

Duchess Meghan reacts to the allegations against her through a spokesman and a lawyer. Although they condemn the reporting in the strongest possible terms, there is no clear denial of the incidents.

"Let's just call it what it is: a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation. We are disappointed to see that this defamatory portrayal of the Duchess of Sussex was made credible by a media company. It is no accident that skewed, multi-year-old allegations intended to undermine the Duchess are reported to the British media just before she and the Duke openly and honestly speak of their experiences over the past few years. This refers to Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah Winfrey, 67, which will air on March 7 in the United States.

Meghan also said that the "Times" was "used by Buckingham Palace […] to sell a completely false story". The Duchess was "saddened by this recent attack on her character", especially because she "was the target of harassment herself and […] is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma".

The lawyers also deny that said meeting between Prince Harry and Jason Knauf took place. The Duke of Sussex did not interfere in personnel matters, it is made clear.

Palace "not amused" about the leak?

Kensington and Buckingham Palaces are silent. "The Times" assumes that it is "very concerned that the allegations against Duchess Meghan have surfaced."

Source used: thetimes.co.uk

This article originally appeared on Gala.de.
