Duchess Meghan: She receives great praise for this small gesture

Duchess Meghan
Small gesture with a big effect – it surprises employees at “PL + US”

© Samir Hussein / Getty Images

News about the British royals in the GALA ticker: Duchess Meghan surprises employees of a non-profit organization with a voucher +++ Duchess Meghan goes public again +++ Queen Elizabeth receives touching support.

News about the royals in the GALA ticker

November 2, 2021

Duchess Meghan donates coffee for employees of the “PL + US” campaign

A small gesture with a great motivation behind it. Duchess Meghan, 40, has bought coffee on behalf of the “Archewell” Foundation for employees of the non-profit organization “PL + US” [Paid Leave US, Anm. d. Red.] donated. This advocates the introduction of paid parental leave in the USA. Every helper received a 25 dollar voucher (about 20 euros) for the Starbucks chain as an expression of gratitude for their work in the fight for paid family vacations.

Meghan’s gesture was made public through a Twitter post from the organization’s communications director, Neil Sroka. He shared a picture of the voucher and an attached note from the former actress. “Hello, just a little something to keep you going. Thank you for all you are doing. From Archwell.” To this end, Sroka wrote lines of gratitude: “The Duchess of Sussex […] bought everyone at @PaidLeaveUS a couple of cups of coffee while we were working overtime for #SavePaidLeave. Incredibly stylish … and necessary. It is a great honor to know that she will support us in the fight for #PaidLeaveForAll. ”

The commitment to paid family and sick leave in the USA has long been close to the hearts of Meghan and Prince Harry, 37. The mother of two wrote a letter to the US Congress a few weeks ago in which she spoke out in favor of paid parental leave with new parents and pointed out the necessity.

November 1, 2021

Duchess Meghan campaigns for women’s rights at online summit

This topic does not let her go! After Duchess Meghan, 40, wrote a haunting letter to the US Congress just a few weeks ago to demand paid parental leave for families, she wants to go a step further on November 9, 2021. As reported by the “New York Times”, the 40-year-old will discuss at an online summit how “women can achieve economic and professional equality”. The mother of two to Archie, 2, and Lilibet Diana, four months, are scheduled to speak to American entrepreneur and Starbucks chairwoman Mellody Hobson, 52, in a half-hour session entitled “Minding the Gap”.

The wife of Prince Harry, 37, had an interesting combination, but only a few days ago through her non-profit organization Archewell to the employees of the nonprofit initiative PL + US [paidleave.us] Gifted a $ 25 voucher from the coffee chain. Among other things, these support family vacations with charitable work. Other confirmed speakers at the conference include US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, 59, for example actor Matthew McConaughey, 51, and Dax Shepherd, 46.

Queen Elizabeth: “Tall Paul” supports you to get fit again

After Queen Elizabeth, 95, recently had to spend a night in hospital, she had to cancel her participation in the UN climate conference COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, with a heavy heart. In addition, the monarch will only attend digital appointments in the next two weeks, the queen should take a rest on the advice of her doctors, the palace confirmed.

During this time she has one person above all at her side: Favorite courtier Paul Whybrew, 62, who is also known as “Tall Paul” because of his height of 1.90 meters. The 62-year-old is considered indispensable by the monarch, watches television with her and is one of the few people allowed to keep the Queen company while recovering.

Paul Whybrew

Paul Whybrew

© Indigo / Getty Images

Paul Whybrew was also featured in the London 2012 Olympics opening sketch when the Queen was out for a walk with Daniel Craig, 53. A source at the palace confirmed to DailyMail: “The Queen is very grateful for the loyal support she has received from him.”

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Sources used: dailymail.co.uk, twitter.com

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