Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: a dozen French associations come to the aid of survivors

While the toll of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria has exceeded 41,000 dead according to the latest reports, the United Nations launched this Thursday an appeal for international aid to raise a billion dollars for the two countries. Shortly after the tragedy, 11 days ago, the French government had sent teams of rescuers, a field hospital, 50,000 anti-diphtheria and tetanus vaccines. He also donated 500,000 euros to the International Red Cross and five million euros to NGOs working in Syria.

Calls very followed by the French

Participating in the effort, several major French associations have also organized major donation campaigns. They have already collected three million euros in donations. One million euros was collected by the NGO Acted, for example. Local authorities have largely participated in this kitty.

Doctors of the World has counted 500,000 euros, paid by individuals via its internet page. At Action Against Hunger, 230,000 euros come from French families. Institutional donors and private partners will complete on their side to reach the million, details Charlotte Schneider, the director of operations.

“We will be able to help around 100,000 people”

“At this stage (with the money collected), ACF will be able to help around 34,000 people with water and sanitation aspects in Syria. And in Turkey with the supply of medicines, hygiene kits, water and sanitation in the shelters, and food parcels, we think we can reach with what we have collected, around 100,000 people”, she assures.

The money has been sent to the teams on site, sometimes for several years. It is used to deploy humanitarian material aid. At Doctors Without Borders, for example – which should bring together nearly one million euros – 40,831 euros in donations are used to finance the equivalent of a hospital kit. There are medicines and devices to treat 300 victims of the earthquake.

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