Eat better for yourself and for the planet: “Le Monde de Jamy” looks at our plates

Solutions for eating better while spending and polluting less, this is the theme of the new issue of Jamy’s World
broadcast Wednesday evening from France 3. A theme that particularly concerns the French: today, 15% of their budget is devoted to food. Or an average of 60 euros per week. That’s more than most of our European neighbors. Among the interesting information in the show: we learn for example that a third of the food we produce goes to the trash. In this issue, journalist Eglantine Eméyé surrounds herself with experts and gives us the keys to throwing away less.

Diving into a carrot

We also learn that four out of ten French people do not consume enough fruit and vegetables. A significant figure when we see that today, poor diet is the cause of one in five deaths in the world. To explain to us the importance of vegetables on our body, Jamy will even slip us inside a carrot.

“The carrot is a wonderful vitamin factory. Inside its cells, it produces, for example, beta-carotene, a pigment that gives it its beautiful orange color,” he explains in the show. “Our body transforms beta-carotene from vegetables into vitamin A. It is essential for the proper functioning of our eyes and our immune system. It is also a powerful antioxidant.”

“If everyone lived like a Frenchman, it would take 2.7 planets to feed humanity”

The show also devotes a whole section to the ecological aspect of our food. You should know that today, food production represents a quarter of our greenhouse gas emissions. “If everyone lived like a Frenchman, it would take 2.7 planets to feed humanity”, recalls Jamy Gourmaud in the show. If we add up all the energy it takes to produce food, transport it, transform it, we realize that we each emit three tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, just with the contents of our plate. .””

To reduce this environmental impact, experts take viewers to a supermarket to show us how to shop greener, without spending more. Health, budget, environment: solutions on our plates is to be seen Wednesday evening at 9:10 p.m. on France 3.

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